Konstantinos Sargentis
Associate Professor
Office: 002Office hours: upon request
Phone: 28310 77223
Email: sargentk@uoc.gr
Curriculum Vitae
- Ph. D. in Philosophy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Education, Oct 1996 – Jan 2001 (Title of doctoral thesis: “The Fact of Reason in Kant’s Moral Philosophy”)
- Postgraduate studies in Philosophy (specialisation: Kant, Ethics) in Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Mar 1994 – Oct 1996.
- Undergraduate studies in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Oct 1989 – June 1993.
Teaching and Research Experience
- Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Crete, Dpt. of Philosophy and Social Studies, Rethymno (2017-).
- Assistant Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Crete, Dpt. of Philosophy and Social Studies, Rethymno (2012-2017).
- Lecturer in Philosophy (Moral Philosophy), University of Crete, Dpt. of Philosophy and Social Studies, Rethymno (2004-2012).
- Tutor at the Hellenic Open University, Course: “Philosophy in Europe” (2017/2018, 2008/2009).
- Assistant / lecturer at the International Center for the Studies of Plato and the Platonic Roots of Western Philosophy (ICSP), Internationale Akademie für Philosophie im Fürstentum Liechtenstein (IAP), Sep 2001 – Dec 2003.
International cooperations:
- Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Philosophy Con-Textos Kantianos (2015-).
- Anonymous reviewer for the Journals: British Journal for the History of Philosophy (2014), History of Philosophy Quarterly (2013/4).
- Erasmus cooperation with the Universities of Erlangen (Germany) and Hull (UK).
Research Interests
Ethics, Kant, History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Action, Free Will
Publications (selected)
- The Problem of Free Will. Athens: Nissos, 2012 (in Greek).
Edited volumes
- Free Will. Athens: Eurasia, 2020 (in Greek).
- “‘Ought implies can’ or ‘you can because you ought’? On the relation between moral obligation and ability in Kant”, in: Deucalion 35/1-2 (2021), 77-100 (in Greek).
- “Psychological dependence and freedom in the Gambler of Dostoevsky: a philosophical analysis”, in: Ariadne 27 (2020-21), 43-63 (in Greek).
- “Moral Responsibility, Control, and Free Will”, in: K. Sargentis (ed.), Free Will. Athens: Eurasia, 2020, 135-150 (in Greek).
- “Theodizee als Anthropodizee. Zum transzendentalen Theodizeebegriff bei Kant“, in: Philosophisches Jahrbuch, 124. 1 (2017), 26-42 (https://www.herder.de/phjb/baende/archiv/124-2017/1-2017/theodizee-als-anthropodizee-zum-transzendentalen-theodizeebegriff-bei-kant/).
- “’Nature’ and ‘Providence’: Reflections on Kant’s Philosophy of History”, in: Dodoni (Part III: Annuary of the Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology. School of Philosophy, University of Ioannina) Vol. XXXVII (2014-2015), 127-150 (in Greek).
- “Crisis, Evil, and Progress in Kant’s Philosophy of History”, in: Journal of the Philosophy of History 9.1 (2015), 71-96 (http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/18722636-12341292;jsessionid=1fzg7j8u2wr7x.x-brill-live-02).
- “Moral Freedom and Free Will in Rousseau”, in: Aksiologika 28 (2012), 47-73 (in Greek).
- “Moral Motivation in Kant”, in: Kant Studies Online, 2012, 93-121.
- “Das Böse als Selbstverhältnis des Guten. Zum Problem der Stufen des „bösen Herzens“ bei Kant”, in: Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 36.1 (2011), 49-69 (https://www.frommann-holzboog.de/periodika/91/91036/910360120).
- ‘”Fact of Reason” and “Natural Human Reason”: On Kant’s Notion of Moral Experience’, in: I. Patellis, K. Goudeli, P. Kontos (eds.), Kant: Making Reason Intuitive, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire and New York, 2007, 113-128 (for a review, see: http://ndpr.nd.edu/news/23290-kant-making-reason-intuitive/).
- “The Concept of Maxim in Kant’s Practical Philosophy”, in K. Kavoulakos (ed.), Immanuel Kant: Practical Reason and Modernity. Athens: Alexandreia, 2006, 81-105 (in Greek).
- “Translator’s Introduction”, in: Immanuel Kant, Zum ewigen Frieden. Ein philosophischer Entwurf (Toward perpetual peace. A philosophical project). Introduction, Modern Greek Translation, Notes: Konstantinos Sargentis. Athens: Polis, 2006.
- “An Interpretation of Kant’s Theory of Radical Evil”, in K. Boudouris & E. Maragiannou (eds.), Philosophia, Antagonistikotita kai Agathos Bios, v. 2. Athens: Ionia Publ., 2005, 266-277 (in Greek).
- “Is Perpetual Peace possible? On the Idea of Peace in Kant”, in: Greek Philosophical Review 21/61 (2004), 40-58 (in Greek).
- “A Kantian Approach to Plato’s Moral Psychology in the Republic from the Standpoint of Metaethics”, in: Hypomnema 2 (2004) 215-245 (in Greek).
- “Moral Insight and Spontaneity of Human Will. The Moral Self in Kant”, in: Deucalion 21/2 (2003),189-217 (in Greek).
- “Arthur Schopenhauer, Prize essay on the freedom of the will. Translation into Greek by M. Pantoulias – D. Ifantis, Introduction-Comments: D. Ifantis, Roes, Athens 2016, in: Critica 2017-4 (http://www.philosophica.gr/critica/2017-04.html).
- “Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason. Translation into Greek by K. Androulidakis, with Introduction and Comments, Hestia, Athens 2004”, in: Nea Hestia1802 (2007), 238-241 (in Greek).
- “Pavlos Kontos, The Kantian Ethics of Promises. Hestia, Athens 2005”, in: Hypomnema 5 (2006), 239-248 (in Greek).
- Gerhard Ernst, Denken wie ein Philosoph: Eine Anleitung in sieben Tagen (München: Pantheon, 2012). Heraklion / Athens: Crete University Press, 2016.
- Immanuel Kant, Zum ewigen Frieden. Ein philosophischer Entwurf (Toward perpetual peace. A philosophical project). Introduction, Modern Greek Translation, Notes. Athens: Polis, 2006.