Department of Philosophy & Social Studies
University of Crete
Campus of Rethymnon
74100 Rethymno
Phone number: ++30 2831077211/15/16
Fax number:++30 2831077222
Vasiliki Tsourtou
Assistant Professor in Developmental Psychology
Department of Philosophy and Social Studies
University of Crete, 74100 Rethymno, Greece
Contact details
Telephone: +302831077202
E-mail: vtsourtou@uoc.gr
Academic Qualifications
1992 Diploma (First Degree) in the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy
and Psychology (University of Athens, Greece)
1992 Maîtrise de Psychologie Clinique (Université Paul-Valéry,
III, France)
1998 PhD in Developmental Psychology (Department of Psychology, University
of Crete, Greece). Dissertation Title: “Experimental Study on
the Development of Visual-auditory Coordination during Infancy”
Research interests
Cognitive and psycho-social development in infancy and childhood
Publications in English
• Tsourtou, V. (2013). “Face-voice stimuli distract infants'
attention from
intermodal detection of numerical invariant”. International Journal
of Computational Intelligence Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1 pp. 76 – 86.
• Tsourtou, V. (under publication). “Infants’ intermodal
perception of
numerosity in an experimental study with objects and socially salient
stimuli”. Psychology (Journal of Hellenic Psychological Society).
• Tsourtou, V., Hatzinikolaou, K. & Chatzinikolaou, C. (under
publication). “Action-research with children working in the streets
of Athens, Greece”. Development in Practice.